ACTION: SIX DAYS Left to Evaluate UM Admin

Hi LEO lecs and allies! Just a note to amplify Ian's email message going out this morning. We've been getting repeated emails reminding us to evaluate our university administrators. ("As a reminder, you can participate in the annual online Evaluation of Administrators at") This includes President Schlissel and Provost Philbert.

SO LET'S DO IT. We have until the 18th, which is 2 days before our contract expires!


You may have heard that over the weekend Philbert sent a message down through an associate that we shouldn't "think that [he] was moved by a bunch of form letters from students." OH REALLY?

  1. That's disrespectful. Students deserve ALL of our respect.
  2. They were NOT form letters.
  3. They included missives from allies from every corner of the community.

Maybe they'll respect us when we tell them exactly what we think on their evaluations? Word is, a lot of people neglect to fill these in.


There are two or three questions in particular that have to do with how well they support teaching excellence and how they manage the university's finances.

Well, we've SEEN the answers to those questions. Let's remind them on their evals, shall we? 

Don't forget to write detailed comments supporting your answers!