LEO Statement on GEO Strike Extension

LEO Statement on GEO Strike Extension

Dear Colleagues:

On Sunday evening, members of the University of Michigan’s Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO - AFT-MI 3550) voted to extend the strike they began last week. LEO issued the following statement in response:

“Over the past week, GEO has garnered ever-increasing support from the University community as it demands a safe and just pandemic response from the Administration. Undergraduates, lecturers and tenure-track faculty, staff, and community members have all joined the picket lines to support graduate student workers. In doing so, they have sent a clear message to the Administration: a better COVID-19 response is urgent and absolutely necessary.

In concert with much of the University community, LEO will continue to stand in solidarity with GEO as it strikes this week. We call on our members to refuse requests to cover graduate student labor withheld during the strike. We also call on our members to refuse to take retaliatory action against graduate students. Moreover, we condemn the Administration’s request for an injunction against GEO. Collective bargaining is vital to the health of our workers, our community, and our country; we urge President Schlissel to engage with GEO cooperatively and respectfully in order to come to a resolution which firmly addresses GEO’s concerns.

Until then, LEO is proud to stand with GEO and all those who fight with them.”

– Ian Robinson, President, Lecturers’ Employee Organization (AFT-MI 6442)

It is imperative to note that Lecturers are under no obligation whatsoever to take on the labor of striking graduate student workers. LEO has been assured by HR that no Lecturer should feel pressured to do so. Any lecturer who feels pressured to take on graduate student labor can contact LEO at office@leounion.org.

Last Monday, LEO also issued a statement in support of GEO as it voted to begin its work stoppage. To read the statement in its entirety, click here.

In Solidarity,
LEO Union Council